Don’t valorise, cannibalise: three poems by Eloise Grills


Some questions I have about dogs’ dicks

Why do small dogs have big dicks? 

Why do big dogs have small dicks? 

Why is their lipstick sometimes red? 

One time I think I saw a green one? 

Are dogs being creepy when they stare at you when they have a lipstick? 

Why do we call a dog hard-on a lipstick? 

Does anyone else call it that or is it just me? 

Why does my dog who doesn’t have a dick like to hump the face of my dog who does have a dick? 

Mum says she’s displaying her dominance but I think she’s just displaying her— 

Why would my mum’s friends’ dog who wasn’t desexed chase my dog around and around the backyard and leave clumps of dog jizz in Vincey’s fur like melting Vaseline and mum’s friends would just stand there and laugh they just laughed and laughed and I smiled through gnashed teeth and inside my brain I thought get away from my dog 


Dogs don’t have pubic hair— 

Is all dogs’ hair pubic hair?

Annie r u ok

Annie you are the person who drowned 

In the Seine one hundred years ago 

Annie I call you Annie even though it’s not your real name 

Even though it’s not fair that your face was dredged up like scrap iron 

That the coroner thought you were hot and just had to take your impression 

That your death mask was disseminated and it became the fashion to place it on artist’s walls 

A big buck’s head— 

A figment of beauty gunned still 

Mass-produced so many times you happened to be seen 

By a father of a boy who drowned who happened to make you into a CPR dummy 

Now standard in over fifty countries 

Just one of life’s unhappy accidents

Annie I will save you 

For an assessment for my First Aid Cert II 

I am sorry I do not make the rules 

Of this universe or my life or the 

Three-part assessment with a multiple-choice component 

Required for my entry-level position that 

Enters onto nowhere 

The other requirements are administering first response 

Correctly onto another person who is alive 

Badly mimicking a workplace accident 

In a factory where they require a sling 

Or a compression bandage 

And we make fake small talk and I give reassurance 

For the assessor’s points 

While we wait for an ambulance to never come

But for this component I am required to feel you up

Press your plastic chest 

Thirty times then press my lips 

Against yours 

Without your consent

A century too late 

Annie if only I could find out what you think

Would your aquiline nose wrinkle 

Would your slack mouth inflate to a smile

Instead of hanging open like you are perpetually

Waiting for a surprise


Death is life’s most fashionable accessory

But it’s not a reversible jacket

It’s not a pair of underwear you wear

On a camping trip, wrong-way-in, back-to-front

We don’t get to hide in the seams

And no I don’t believe in ghosts

My rationale being that we would die twice

Of embarrassment, of not having anyone

Remember us or if they do they only 

Remember one stupid thing we did or the 

Good things wrong

German girls modelling their looks off yours

Don’t theorise, accessorise

Don’t valorise, cannibalise 

They say you don’t speak ill of the dead

They say if you don’t have anything nice to say

Don’t say it but life is for talking

And death is for sitting down and quite frankly 

Shutting the fuck up, now, Annie 

Let me live and be lively cruel for a moment 

Imagine you in a drowning simulation that turns you over 

In your grave the opening of Baywatch in slower 

Slow motion animating your distaste 

Like a VHS tracking over and over an afterimage 

I fray heaving breast implants in red polyester 

I squeeze your hand, scoop the vomit and 

Reeds from your cheeks with hooked fingers 

Replay taste of ocean in the back of your throat 

Asking Annie r u ok Annie

The Cum Land

I: The cumming of the head 

April is the cummiest month, breeding 

Lilacs out of the numb hand, jizzing 

Mammaries and desire, stuffing 

Dull roots with Spring spray. 

Wanker wept us sperm, covering 

Earth in forgetful cum, facefucking 

A little wife with wide boobers. 

Cummer surprise-sexed us, cumming over the


With a shower of cum; we shtupped in the colon-aide 

And went on in cumlight, into the Cumgarten, 

And drank cum, and wanked for an hour. 

I’m not rushing at all, I cum from Lithuania, pure German. 

And when we were chilling, laying, the arched backs 

My cummy cousin, he took me out on a bed, 

And I was widened. He said, Mary, 

Hairy, hold on tight. And down I went. 

In the mounting, there you feel pussyloose and fanny free. 

I bred much of the night and go down south in the wanker. 

What are the roots that suck, what fuckers grow 

Out of this horny rubbish? Young dumb son full of cum, 

You cannot say, or guess, for you know only 

A pile of broken vibrators, where the son beats off, 

And the dead dick gives no swelter, the cock no queef, 

And the dry bone no pound of wank. Only 

There is shadow under this red cock, 

(Cum in under the shadow of this red cock), 

And I will show you something different from either 

Your glory at morning standing behind you 

Or your five o’clock shadow at evening rising to meet you; 

I will plow you queer in an arseful of lust.

‘French blows the wand 

To my Cum Land 

My Irish Girth 

Where are you fingering’ 

‘You gave me higher clits first a year ago; 

‘They called me the high clit girl.’ 

—Yet when we came back, late, from the Highclit Garden, 

Your charms pulled, and your fanny wet, I could not 

Spoon, and my thighs flailed, I was neither 

Cumming nor not cumming, and I knew nothing, 

Looking into the shart of…. 

Something in another language I do not understand 

Something I can only guess at, 

Something I am skirting around 

like Madame Suckonthis, famous clairvoyant, 

Had a bad cock, nevertheless 

Is known to be the wildest woman in Europe, 

With a wicked stack of arse. Queer, said she 

Is your arse, the pounded Phoenician Sailor, 

(See the pearls which were his thighs!) 

Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Cocks, 

The lady of situations. 

Here is the man with three sex slaves, and here the dick pic, 

And here is the one-eyed serpent, and this arse 

Which is wank, is something he marries on his back, 

Which I am forbidden to see. I do not wank 

The Hung Man. Fear death by wanker. 

I see crowds of people wanking around a cockring. 

Fuck you. If you see Mrs. Equitone 

Tell her to go fuck herself 

One must be so cumful these days. 

Unreal Shitty 

A crowd blowed over London Bridge, so many, 

I had not thought Fergie had done so many. 

I did not know that a London Bridge was a sex thing 

Or that a bridge could cum around 

I saw one I knew in the biblical sense 

And stopped him crying that cock you planted last year in your arse garden 

Has it began to rise 

The wanker was so cold, sowing 

The cum blossoms seeds, lining 

All the gutters, smelling 

Of all the tissues in your brother’s room, swelling 

All I want to do is wank, depressing 

It will take me at least an hour to cum, failing 

because of my antidepressants, faulting— 

This is not my fault but I feel it in my winter’s bone, not understanding 

The Cum Land, butt, a lecturer once said 

It was like the internet, each thing branching 

To another etc like a monkey jumping 

From tree to tree, but I think maybe it is more 

Like the internet because every search is like a prayer paving 

Its way always to more porn and more porn, hot young girls in Footscray looking 

Ich liebe dich 

I lick your dick 

I like your lick

II: A Fame of Chest 

Spring is cumming cruelly 

The blossoms are cumming 

Whether we like it or not 


The cruellest way to cum is in the bum 

Of someone you once loved who you love no longer 




Nice I say Nice Nice and so it is and so am I 


I know fucking and I see fucking and I know fucking 

Goonight goonight good night go fuck yourself 

Tit tit tit tit tit 

Jug Jug Jug Jug Jug 

White deflowers 

Sweet ladies 

Good night

These poems are an excerpt from If you’re sexy and you know it slap your hams by Eloise Grills


Throughout March 2020, Subbed In is donating $10 from every sale of Eloise’s book to Grandmothers Against Removals. GMAR is a grassroots group led by Aboriginal grandmothers. GMAR has been fighting the ongoing Stolen Generations all around Australia since 2014.

Praise for If you’re sexy and you know it slap your hams, by Eloise Grills:

‘What Sally Rooney would write if she wrote for fun. From an ode to the old women changing in swimming pool shower blocks, to a list of celebrities who own islands for self-care, to her own version of Alanis Morrisesette's "not literally ironic but inconvenient, f****d, or borderline cruel" iconic song, Eloise Grills is crazy-talented, darkly funny and, obviously, very sexy. If you loved My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh, try this one by Eloise Grills.’

-Emma Co (Bookseller, Better Read Than Dead)

Eloise Grills is an award-winning comics artist, writer, and poet living in Melbourne. They are currently working on their debut illustrated memoir, big beautiful female theory, with support from the Australia Council, Creative Victoria and the Copyright Agency.